Keep Midland Beautiful believes education is the key to success when it comes to Recycling, Litter Prevention, Waste Management, Natural Resources, and Water Conservation. That is why we make it a priority to come to your business, club, organization, or school.
Keep Midland Beautiful inspires public awareness about the impact of litter and waste in our environment. KMB researches comprehensive public education and training programs that target citizens, students, and educators to bring the best, most current information to your group. KMB collaborates with existing organizations in an effort to integrate solid waste education and environmental stewardship into their programs as well. We hope you will request a presentation for your group today!
No group is too small, we love small settings where we can bring in activities! No group is too large, we can gear lessons to large assemblies as well! There is no age limit, last year our groups ranged from Toddler to Senior Care, Doctors Brown Bag Lunches to the Clue Crew Comic/Activity Books with Elementary Schools, and The League of Women Voters to the Girl Scouts. Our lessons are TEKS and interactive.